Here's to Second Best! (And 27th Overall)

Here's to Second Best! (And 27th, Overall) is my first put-together poetry collection. Each work in here I feel illustrates a point in my life over this year (2022), which is important to me as a debut collection. Here's to Second Best! is mainly about bitterness displayed the way I know best; uselessly flowery language and metaphors that were always more about the for than the meta.

Much of what I write uses subject matter that may be distubing—nothing more than the occasional metaphor for death or violence, and the occasional reference to artistic suicide. My scars on these subjects have long healed, but yours may not have. Take caution, always. I never want to cause harm with my healing.

Hurt, loss, and recovery are never linear, which is why none of these poems are either. Feel free to read them in any order you'd like—I didn't write them in order, either.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been vaguely featured in these works. I may hate you and what you've done to me, but at least you've given me something to write about. I won't complain about that.



A space, in - between

This poem details a feeling of being 'in-between,' whether that be emotions, realitiess, or states of being. I often liken this feeling to being a ghost, feeling as though you can touch but having neither the will nor energy to do so. I wanted to illustrate what I feel is the loneliest feeling in the world: to be the only one in the world, one where not even you have meaning.


Clinging on, not because you want to, but because you have nothing else; that's what I envisioned when writing this. Dependency on someone who only wants to take advantage of you is such a painful thing—yet, as with any form of dependency, you are dependent, thus it seems near impossible to let go... Especially when you have no other choice but to drown.


Of which I spend time referencing my experience with being painted as an abuser in a recent, abusive friendship. This one is particularly important, because I was treated in a way no child should have to be treated—and yet, still came out underneath while they continued to live like it never happened. Love, loss, libel, and the myth of mutual abuse.